Anne Marie Knott

Anne Marie Knott

My primary research interest is innovation—the conditions under which firms acting in their own self-interest generate economic growth. The work takes two forms: large scale R&D and entrepreneurship, which I view as complements. The R&D component culminates in work on firms' research quotient (RQ). Because I hope diffusion of the RQ measure can do for R&D what hospital report cards are doing for morbidity, and what Sabremetrics is doing for baseball, I created the venture amkANALYTICS to help firms identify their optimal R&D investment and improve their R&D productivity.

Contact / Curriculum Vitae

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Entrepreneurial Routines

Trick My Routine: Redesigning Routines for Replication with Anuja Gupta and David Hoopes, Strategic Management Journal (2014)

The Organizational Routines Factor Market Paradox, Strategic Management Journal (2003)

The Dynamic Value of Hierarchy, Management Science (2001)

Nirvana Efficiency: A Comparative Test of Residual Claims and Routines, with Bill McKelvey, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (1999)

Improving consistency and quality of service delivery: Implications for the Addiction Treatment Field, with John Kimberly and Rafeal Corredoira, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (2008)

Entrepreneurial Churn

Is Failure Good? with Hart Posen, Strategic Management Journal (2005)

Entrepreneurial Risk and Market Entry, with Brian Wu, Management Science (2006)

Time to Exit: Rational, Behavioral, and Organizational Delays, with Dan Elfenbein, Strategic Management Journal (2014)

Equity Stakes and Exit: An Experimental Approach to Decomposing Exit Delay, with Rachel Croson and Dan Elfenbein, Strategic Management Journal (2017)

The Impact of Government

The Schumpeterian Cost of Regulation on Entry and Innovation: The Case of Bail Bonds, with Erin Scott, working paper

Induced Discrimination and Firm Size: Information versus Incentive Effects, Journal of Small Business Economics (2005)

Reversing induced discrimination: Mechanism Design and Experiment, working paper

For Practitioners

Venture Design

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Between the Two

Persistent Heterogeneity and Sustainable Innovation, Strategic Management Journal (2003)

Exploration and Exploitation as Complements, in C.W. Choo and N. Bontis (Eds), The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge (2002)

Reconciling the Firm Size and Innovation Puzzle, with Carl Vieregger, US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies (2016)

Multi-Divisional Structure and Innovation, with Scott Turner, working paper

R&D in Established Firms

Knowledge Physics

On the Strategic Accumulation of Intangible Assets, with David Bryce and Hart Posen, Organization Science (2003)

Spillover Asymmetry and Why It Matters, with Hart Posen and Brian Wu, Management Science (2009)

Firm R&D Behavior and Evolving Technology in Established Industries, with Hart Posen, Organization Science (2009)

R&D Returns Causality: Absorptive Capacity or Organizational IQ, Management Science (2008)

R&D Productivity (RQ)

The Puzzle of Market Value from R&D, with Carl Vieregger, working paper

Measuring Innovation with Michael Cooper and Wenhao Yang, working paper

Outsourced R&D and GDP Growth, US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies (2016)

For Academics

Wharton Data Research Services (WRDS) RQ Database

For Practitioners

How Innovation Really Works
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Obtain a free RQ report for your company


R&D: The Trillion Dollar Fix, Harvard Business Review (2012)

IRI 2014: Demonstrating and Improving the Value of R&D (Video)

Valuing Innovation: Measuring and Valuing the Productivity of R&D Investment – CFA 2015

New Hope for Measuring R&D Effectiveness, Research-Technology Management (2009)


What the Two Most Innovation Friendly States Have in Common Harvard Business Review (2014)

End this corporate tax giveaway: R&D incentives CNBC (2014)

For Investors

The RQ50 Index

©2017 Anne Marie Knott