R-packages for Bayesian inference


These are fully-functional R-packages in binary form for some of the problems mentioned on the home page. Please see the source papers there for further information as needed. Before installing the packages on this page, please read this


This is a R package that has functions to perform the Bayes analysis of models covered in DAT537.


This is a R package that has functions to perform the Bayes analysis in Chib, Shin and Simoni (2018, JASA).


This is a R package that has functions to perform the Bayes analysis in Chib and Zeng (2020, JBES).


This is a R package that has functions to perform the Bayes analysis in Chib and Zeng (2020, JBES) and Chib, Zeng and Zhao (2020, Journal of Finance).


This is a R package that has functions to perform the nonparametric Bayes analysis of RDD models as developed in Chib, Greenberg and Simoni (2018).


This is a R package that has functions to perform the spline regression with DPM errors developed in Chib and Greenberg (2010, JoE).

If there are any questions, please contact chib@wustl.edu

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